Evento IV Seminario Internacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria starts on 8 de mayo de 2023, 8:00:00 -0400
ACTIVIDAD ANTIFÚNGICA DEL EXTRACTO DE MOSIERA BULLATA (BRITTON & P. WILSON), PLANTA ENDÉMICA DE CUBA FRENTE A HONGOS FITOPATÓGENOS (Antifungal activity of Mosiera bullata (Britton & p. Wilson) extract, endemic plant of Cuba, against phytopathogenic fungi)
(1 hora 30 minutos)

ACTIVIDAD ANTIFÚNGICA DEL EXTRACTO DE MOSIERA BULLATA (BRITTON & P. WILSON), PLANTA ENDÉMICA DE CUBA FRENTE A HONGOS FITOPATÓGENOS (Antifungal activity of Mosiera bullata (Britton & p. Wilson) extract, endemic plant of Cuba, against phytopathogenic fungi)
Lianny Pérez Gómez Investigadora liannyperezg@gmail.com

Sclerotium rolfsii, Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum are major soil-borne plant pathogens causing great economic losses in crop productivity. Although chemical fungicides reduce the severity of plant diseases they cause, their continuous use provoke a negative efect on environment and human health. Mosiera bullata is an endemic Cuban species belonging to Myrtaceae family. The objective of the present investigation was to evaluate the efect of M. bullata extract on mycelial growth and microscopic detection of morphology alteration in fungal structures of three species of plant pathogenic fungi. The extract obtained showed total phenolic compounds about 336.23 mg of chlorogenic acid/g and total flavonoid compounds about 91.52 mg of rutin/g of dry extract. M. bullata extract inhibited the mycelial growth of S. rolfsii (55.42%), F. oxysporum (54.63%) and R. solani (11.67%). This extract caused deformations at microscopic level in three fungi species evaluated. According with the in vitro antifungal activity of M. bullata observed against three major soil-borne plant pathogens, this plant species may be considered as a potential source of natural fungicides, but further studies at greenhouse and
feld are required to confrm it.
Keywords: Natural fungicide; Plant diseases; · Natural product.
3CE (Parque Científico Tecnológico de La Habana S.A.) Oro
Mipyme Lácteos Rojas SURL (Producción de Alimentos (productos Lácteos)) Oro
Mipyme AlaSoluciones (Fabricación de equipos de medición, prueba, navegación y control) Plata
Sociedad Mercantil Empresa de Ciencia y Tecnología de Interfaz del Complejo Científico Docente Productivo de Mayabeque Bronce
Programa Sectorial de Sanidad Animal y Vegetal
Organización Panamericana de la Salud